When I chose my name for the trains, no numbers or ornamental elements such as halos or crowns were assigned to flank it, just stars because that is what I was shooting for. I instinctively penned my tag to be legible so that both my peers and the riding public could recognize my work within an endless blur of alphabet soup in motion. I chose my middle name LEE not only because it was short and interconnected, resulting in lightning-fast tag attacks, but to create a look of its own to act more as a signature at the finale of something bigger.
That something bigger quickly came in the form of what is known within the Graffiti lexicon as masterpieces or pieces. For those pieces on the trains and walls, my letters had to shapeshift from swift tremorous tags to towering and self-assured sphinx-like fixtures within a story. I was drawn to painting stories, so the narrative became the vehicle that carried the name along for the ride rather than it just being there for a singular decorative declaration.
In the end, tagging my name not only underscored that “I did exist” in a town that didn’t value or even consider my existence, but that I existed outside of my very own masterpieces.
- L.Q. 2021

1974 - 1975 2nd Q

1975 2nd Q - 1978

1978 - 2000

2000 - 2018

2019 - Current

Wild Card

Lee painting the Amphitheater set for Wild Style. 1981 Photo: Martha Cooper.

Lee taking a break between takes on set for the Rapture video. 1980-1981. Photo: Chris Stein

Still, Wild Style

Lee in his bedroom sometime in 1981-1982. Photo: courtesy of the artist.

Is this the feeling when you just missed your train or when it just arrived?

A rare look at a rare moment of Lee applying the pressure of the ink pen onto the blank sheet.

Lee and Fab 5 Freddy painting on set of Rapture. 1981. Photo: Charlie Ahearn.

Lee ‘Burner Piece’ on set of The Hardest Part’ video shoot surrounded by various Jean M. Basquiat and Fab 5 Freddy isms and tags. Photo: Artist personal collection.

Lee standing proudly within his portion of a 180 degree mural installation at the White Columns Gallery, in 1980. This would be Lee and Fab 5 Freddy's first New York public exhibit setting the precedent for a plethora of Graffiti related exhibits from there forward.

Lee, Jean M. Basquiat, Debbie Harry and Fab 5 Freddy in between takes for ‘The Hardest Part’ video shoot. Photo: Artist personal collection.

As seen in La Madrina: The Savage Life of Lorine Padilla

Clockwise from L to R. Lee, Marc ‘Ali’ Edmonds, Dondi. Futura, Zephyr, Fab 5 Freddy at the New York-New Wave show. PS1 1981. Photo: Melissa Hill.

Flow-Master Ink Refill Canister

Clockwise from L to R. Chris ‘Daze’ Ellis, Futura and Lee at Futura’s birthday bash at MK club. NYC. Photo: Artist personal collection.

Frazer Cooke and Lee at ‘Contents under pressure’ show in London. Curated by Mr. Stash. 1997.

Lee in front of his’ Tameless horses’ painting. 1990. Artist personal collection.

The anonymous three in front of Lee’s ‘Creation of Three Mile’ Photo: Howlhappenings.

Fab 5 Freddy, Debbie Harry and Lee in front of Lee’s ‘Graffiti 1990’ mural for ArtForum photo shoot. 1980. Photo: Bobby Grossman

Lee at Henry Chalfant’s Soho studio prepping the linen for ‘The Creation of Three Mile’ 1989. Photo: artist personal collection taken by Eric Felisbret.

Lee painting the publicity mural for ‘Contents under pressure’ at the Levi’s store. London. 1997.

Lee filling in each mosaic tile in his iconic ‘Benchmark: a great rush hour in the Bronx’ painting for M.O.C.A’s Art in the Streets show. 2011.